Monday, April 22, 2013

Mirror, Mirror.

So, a friend posted this video on Facebook and it caught my attention. I think he posted this ages ago, but I just found the time to watch this now. 

I balled my eyes out after I watched this. So true hey.... We tend to put ourselves so low, so underrated, and so much worse than who we actually are.

Why is that?
Why do we tend to despise ourselves?

Toxic mind are horrible, and we know that it's horrible, and yet we slip it in so naturally each and everyday. We compare our journey with someone else's final product. We judge ourselves so harshly. 

Do you realize that "touching" stories that we love to hear to soothe our wounded soul usually filled with people's success and often shadows their long, dark, miserable previous life?

Because no one wants to hear that, right?

I actually do.

I am a counselor and love being one because more than helping people, it actually keeps me sane. 

Listening to people's pain makes you feel normal. Makes you feel.... human.

I dare you to list every expectations that you put on yourself-realistic and unrealistic one. You would realize that even your mum can't meet that expectations!

I think we need to start being kind to ourselves. Look in the mirror and see the good in you. Have a breath. Relax. Love much. Have fun. Bake a cake or something. Dance in the rain. Laugh your head off. Try something new. 

Do what you love.

I bet my bottom dollar that after you have done all this, you'll look in the mirror and you will actually like what you see. You are, after all, prettiest when you are the happiest.

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