Friday, March 1, 2013

The Room

Have you ever done something, and feels so great about it you wanna get other people to do it?

And somehow they can't get it right?

And you end up irritated?

I have. Lots of time. Growing up as "the smart kid" my friends always asked me to help with home works and stuff. I absolutely love helping, but always annoyed in the inside because it's so hard for them to understand something that I presume as simplicity.

Yes I know I sound arrogant. I'm just a human being.

In saying this, I HAVE had been in the other position as well. Many times. Annoying other people who tried to teach me their "simple things". Such as accountancy (never had a balanced sheet in my life) or to ride a bike (still learning). Haha.

A couple of month ago I found a game on my iPad called 'the Room'. It's a visually striking, gorgeous, Chinese puzzle box that's full of clues, traps and other fun things. I was like a kid on Christmas morning. Wasted almost 30 hours of my life to finish that game. 

Last week, my friend borrowed my iPad as we waited on something and she started playing that game.

Quick warning: that game is hard, and frustrating.

Well, at least I got frustrated; because she wouldn't give up! As in she didn't ask me to show her how to do it. She wanted to figure it out my self and scold my little pretty self for butting in.


I think I was more frustrated than her. Honestly. I wanna shout "Look, it's right there! Right under your nose! Keep looking! No! Don't scroll out yet!!!" but I can't. Ergh.

And then she found the key. I mean the key to the puzzle -which means she can go to the next level. And she was excited as heck.
And she write down the name of the game so she can download it herself.

Do you wanna know the easiest way to get people attracted and feel in love to something? or someone?

Get them to try it. 
To make mistakes.
To have the pleasure of working their butts off and earned their reward.
To try and try and try and try 
And have their own, personal "aha" moment.

Stop trying so hard to get people to see or get what you want them to see. Instead, respect them to make a decision that they are willing to learn. Than instead of showing them a big map full of signs and codes, take them along the journey. Allow them to step on the surprises of things as you once have, and to take the risk and have the fall if needed.

Most of the time we kill people's excitement by, well, kill it. It's like telling a joke but you blurted out laughing before the joke finishes. 

Let them have the laugh. Be patient. Be kind. And yes, I am preaching to myself. 

Choking them with information crippled their legs to walk the journey.

And honestly? It's so much fun to walk alongside someone and seeing them "getting it" than watch them slowly backing off because they are intimidated by our intensity.

Give them room to grow.

1 comment:

  1. Yesss! Preaching to my self too! Hahaha
    klo orang gk dilepas dan dibiarin nyoba dengan caranya sendiri.. Gak akan jadi pinter.. Meskipun mereka harus nabrak2 sendiri dan mungkin lamaaaa bgt baru ngertinya.. Kita sudah keburu gregetan hahahaha itu seninya mengajar loh.. Harus sabaaaaar bener...
